Certified Welding Inspectors are ready to assist in your weld consultation. No matter where you are in your process, our professionals are here to assist you in your process for developing a welding program or process that will meet the applicable welding code. We can travel to your location and sign off on Welding Specification Procedure (WPS), watch welders, sign off on Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as well as inspect any welds you have already made. Call us today with any questions you may have.
Certified Welding Inspectors are ready to assist in your weld consultation. No matter where you are in your process, our professionals are here to assist you in your process for developing a welding program or process that will meet the applicable welding code. We can travel to your location and sign off on Welding Specification Procedure (WPS), watch welders, sign off on Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as well as inspect any welds you have already made. Call us today with any questions you may have.
Phone: 303-780-9800
Charpy Impact

Charpy Impact - Chapry Impact testing (CVN samples) determines a material's toughness or impact strength. In applicable scenarios there would need to be a notch or flaw present with the fast loading conditions that apply to impact testing. This is a fast destructive test that tests a materials ability to resist that impact loading situation. The testing can be performed at high and low temperatures. Test Metals has the ability to test from elevated temperatures of +400 to -320 degrees Fahrenheit. Charpy Impact specimens are etched for notch location in weld, fusion line, and HAZ (Heat Affected Zones) of welded samples.
Testing Specifications
AWS D1.1
API 5L and 1104
ASME Section VIII & IX