Certified Welding Inspectors are ready to assist in your weld consultation. No matter where you are in your process, our professionals are here to assist you in your process for developing a welding program or process that will meet the applicable welding code. We can travel to your location and sign off on Welding Specification Procedure (WPS), watch welders, sign off on Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as well as inspect any welds you have already made. Call us today with any questions you may have.
Certified Welding Inspectors are ready to assist in your weld consultation. No matter where you are in your process, our professionals are here to assist you in your process for developing a welding program or process that will meet the applicable welding code. We can travel to your location and sign off on Welding Specification Procedure (WPS), watch welders, sign off on Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as well as inspect any welds you have already made. Call us today with any questions you may have.
Phone: 303-780-9800
Machine Shop

Round Specimens - Test Metals uses the ASTM E8 standard dimensions when preparing a specimen for testing. The dimensions are determined by size of material submitted. The largest size bar possible should be machined for testing for optimal results. Round specimens are machined using a lathe. The bars should be machined to size using feeds and speeds best dictated by cutting tools being used an experience with the materials or conditions. Standard round specimens are governed by ASTM E8, A370, B557, or F606.

Specimen machining shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM E23. Specimens machined by Test Metals use the dimensions specificed by ASTM E23 Fig 6 Type A, which is a standard size bar.

Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing is preformed in accordance with ASTM-F-519. Test Metals does sell these specialized test bars in a set of five. Typical processing involves plating 4 of the sample, the last sample is non-plated but still subjected to the relief process. Typical relief process is 350 F for 4 hours. The non-plated sample is tensile tested for ultimate strength. The four plated samples are held at 75% of the strength recorded on the tensile tested sample. The samples are held for 200 hours in order to certify relief process has diffused hydrogen from structure.

Plate Specimens - This specimen is used for testing metallic materials in the form of plate, shapes, and flat material having a nominal thickness of 3/16 inch or over. These specimens will be cut with the band saw or horizontal saw, depending on thickness, to approximate size. The finished dimensions will be attained by using belt sander for proper size. Care must be taken to avoid overheating during sanding. Figure 1 of this document shows the proper dimensions for flat specimens.
Sheet Specimens – This specimen is used for testing metallic materials in the form of sheet, plate, flat wire, strip, band, hoop, rectangles, and shapes ranging in nominal thickness from .005 to 5/8 inch. These specimens will be cut with the band saw of horizontal saw depending on thickness to approximate size. The finished dimensions will be attained by using belt sander for proper dimensions. Care must be taken to avoid overheating during sanding. Figure 1 of this document shows the proper dimensions for flat specimens.

Bend testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E290, unless otherwise specified by client. This procedure may be deviated from at the client's request. In this event the procedure or method that was used shall be noted on the Lab worksheet.
Various devices are suitable for bending. Test Metals uses Arrangement A and C of ASTM E290.

Test Metals has several band saws, abrasive cutoff saws, plasma cutting, and precision diamond saws which enable us to section a material. Test Metals most often utilizes this department for sectioning out test specimens for testing. It also aids our Metallurgical department for extracting specific areas of interest during a failure investigation.