Certified Welding Inspectors are ready to assist in your weld consultation. No matter where you are in your process, our professionals are here to assist you in your process for developing a welding program or process that will meet the applicable welding code. We can travel to your location and sign off on Welding Specification Procedure (WPS), watch welders, sign off on Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as well as inspect any welds you have already made. Call us today with any questions you may have.
Certified Welding Inspectors are ready to assist in your weld consultation. No matter where you are in your process, our professionals are here to assist you in your process for developing a welding program or process that will meet the applicable welding code. We can travel to your location and sign off on Welding Specification Procedure (WPS), watch welders, sign off on Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as well as inspect any welds you have already made. Call us today with any questions you may have.
Phone: 303-780-9800
Mechanical Testing Services

Tensile testing procedures at the Test Metals facility are performed in accordance with ASTM standard specifications, such as:
ASTM E-8 (Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials)
ASTM A-370 (Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products)
ASTM B-557 (Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing Wrought and Cast Aluminum- and Magnesium-Alloy Products)
ASTM F-606 (Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets)

Several different types of hardness testing can be performed here at Test Metals. Each has a specific advantage for testing, which can depend on the type of material and/or the configuration of your part.
Vickers Hardness per ASTM E92
Knoop Hardness per ASTM E384
Rockwell Hardness per ASTM E8
Brinell Hardness per ASTM E10
Leeb Hardness per ASTM A956

Impact testing is carried out as defined by the latest revision of ASTM E23. CVN is short for Charpy V-notch. The V-notch is the most common type of notch and is listed as type A per ASTM E23. The V-notch is the most accepted type of notch and should be used, unless otherwise noted or instructed by the client. Test Metals uses a SATEC model impact tester, which uses a free-swing pendulum to strike the specimen. This model has a 300-foot pounds of force maximum measurement. This machine is calibrated yearly with direct verification and indirectly verified with NIST. The NIST indirect verification is in accordance with ASTM E23, and requires two sets of CVNs which are supplied by NIST to be tested for High and Low range verification. Copies of certifications are available upon request.

Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing is performed in accordance with ASTM-F-519. Test Metals sells these specialized test bars in a set of five. Typical processing involves plating 4 of the sample, the last sample is non-plated but still subjected to the relief process. Typically relief process is 350F for 3 hours. The non-plated sample is tensile tested for ultimate strength. The four plated samples are held at 75% of the strength recorded on the tensile sample. The samples are held for 200-hours to certify the relief process has diffused hydrogen from microstructure.

Bend testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM E290, unless otherwise specified by client. This procedure may be deviated from at the client's request. In this event the procedure or method that was used shall be notedon the Lab worksheet.
Various devices are suitable for bending. CMS uses Arrangement A and C of ASTM E290.

Full Size Tension Testing Bolts—This testing process is a straight axial tensile testing of the bolt without the use of a controlled testing section (Machined location). The bolt being tested is pulled in the as used condition. To meet the requirements of this test, the bolt shall support a load prior to fracture not less than the minimum tensile strength specified in the product specification for the applicable size, grade, and thread series. These call out can be in straight loads or cross-sectional loads. When testing full size bolts, yield strength and elongation properties are not tested.