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Reverse Engineering

Test Metals offers a variety of testing services that aid in the process of reverse engineering.

The chemical composition of the metal is one of the most important aspects of that metal. This composition dictates what possible physical properties the materials could have before the final or desired state of which it is to become. For every material, whether steel, stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, copper, nickel, or superalloy, the composition dictates what physical properties are possible. The composition can also affect the weldability of that particular material. There are specifications and codes for every type of material you see in every aspect of your life. Doors knobs, hinges, knives, keys, components on or in cars, airplanes, jets, engines, power plates, nuclear facilities, wires, electrical circuits in your computer, phones, and televisions.

Physical properties are also important aspects of a material. These properties influence the behavior of how a material is going to perform under conditions such as tension or compressive loads. Tension testing of material verifies that metal is going to meet minimum specification requirements set forth by ASTM, ASME, or SAE standards. The hardness of a material can have a direct relationship to the tensile strength of a material, and can also have a minimum or specific range set forth by these standards. This hardness and strength have a direct effect on the bendability of the material.

Microstructural changes can occur in metals receiving heat treatments. These microstructural changes have a direct effect and correlation of the material mechanical behavior.  It is often necessary to look at the structure of a material under a microscope to verify the objective material's structure is in its proper state. This type of examination is useful for reverse engineering and failure analysis of components suspected of improper treatment before use. It can ultimately lead you to discover why a particular component failed.

Machine in Factory

Colorado Metallurgical Services, Inc. is Test Metals, 10605 E 25th Avenue Aurora, CO 80010 | | Phone: 303-780-9800 | Fax: 303-780-9402 
© Copyright 2019 Colorado Metallurgical Services, Inc. All rights reserved. 

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